Podcast Series: Episode 4

Added Friday 26 May 2017

Episode 4: Delivering reliable and predictable financials in an uncertain world



Richard Holmes, Data Centre Solutions Leader, Arrow ECS

Guest Speakers:

Mark Cracknell, Director and Co-owner, Hayne Solutions

Tony Redding, Sales Director, Hayne Solutions


This IT Insider podcast focuses on the changing role of the finance department in the face of an uncertain political and economic climate, and at a time when data analytics are proving increasingly essential to business success.

Business and technology experts discuss the growing expectation for finance teams to add value and insight to the organisation – helping to ‘take the uncertainty out of uncertainty’. With trigger points such as Brexit meaning that business leaders increasingly want to consider multiple budget scenarios when planning for the future, this podcast aims to answer the following questions:

- How can you take a collaborative and integrated approach – removing data silos across the business?

- Can you move to the next level of financial analytics, without throwing away what you’ve already got?

- In a business world where everything is time critical, how can you deliver the certainty and elasticity that your organisation demands?

- What challenges lie ahead for finance teams and how can these be addressed?

- How are leading organisations already using technology to turn uncertainty to their advantage?

If you’d like to explore the challenges and opportunities discussed in this podcast in more detail, visit the Hayne website or download the eBook: The Changing Role of the Finance Team

The IT Insider Podcast Series

In support of The IT Insider’s objective to provide business leaders with thought leadership around the latest trends and technologies that can drive profitable growth and competitive advantage, we are pleased to launch our new podcast channel.

Each episode invites guest speakers, from both within the IT channel and across different business sectors, to explore a hot topic that’s proving particularly relevant in today’s digital world.

Episode 1: The benefits of hybrid cloud for innovation

Episode 2: The progression and future of BI in the workplace

Episode 3: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Episode 4: Delivering reliable and predictive financials in an uncertain world

Upcoming podcasts will explore topics ranging from how you can improve financial performance management to why taking a proactive approach to whistleblowing can prove critical to business success.

You can also access and download The IT Insider podcasts free of charge through iTunes

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