Podcast Series: Episode 3

Added Monday 24 April 2017

Episode 3: General Data Protection Regulation



Richard Holmes, Data Centre Solutions Leader, Arrow ECS

Guest Speakers:

David Patterson, Founder Director, KnowNow Information

Shaab Al-Baghdadi CIPPE, Principal Privacy Practitioner, OnlineDPO


This IT Insider podcast focuses on the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the level of privacy and consent that will be required to ensure compliance.

Industry experts discuss how organisations that view GDPR as a ‘carrot rather than a stick’ have an opportunity to get closer to their customers and regain trust levels regarding how their data might be used.

The push for greater data privacy is coming from customers as much as from a regulatory perspective, so gaining their trust over how you will use their data is essential to achieving a competitive edge in today’s data-driven world.

  • How can you ensure that your customers feel confident and comfortable that the information they give you will be used to provide them with a more personalised experience, rather than being viewed as a potential invasion of their privacy?
  • How are you going to obtain consent, now that the requirements are so much more stringent?
  • What impact will GDPR have on your current marketing strategy in terms of how you gather, use and share personal data?
  • Are you able to give your customers the ‘rock star’ treatment that will mean they want to share their information with you?

This podcast looks to answer these questions and more.

If you’d like to explore the challenge and opportunity that the GDPR represents in more detail, take a look at the recent blog article and fact sheet on The IT Insider:

GDPR: From Obligation to Opportunity

You can also find out more about KnowNow’s consent management tool by watching this short video:


The IT Insider Podcast Series

In support of The IT Insider’s objective to provide business leaders with thought leadership around the latest trends and technologies that can drive profitable growth and competitive advantage, we are pleased to launch our new podcast channel.

Each episode invites guest speakers, from both within the IT channel and across different business sectors, to explore a hot topic that’s proving particularly relevant in today’s digital world.

Episode 1: The benefits of hybrid cloud for innovation

Episode 2: The progression and future of BI in the workplace

Episode 3: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Upcoming podcasts will explore topics ranging from how you can improve financial performance management to why taking a proactive approach to whistleblowing can prove critical to business success.

You can also access and download The IT Insider podcasts free of charge through iTunes

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