Shot of Data Center With Multiple Rows of Fully Operational Server Racks. Modern Telecommunications

Surprisingly affordable and secure storage

Surprisingly affordable storage

Easy to deploy, easy to manage and easy to grow the IBM FlashSystem family simplifies storage for hybrid multicloud. Developed with a unified set of software, tools and API’s, FlashSystem addresses the entire range of storage needs, all from one data platform that extends enterprise functionality throughout your storage estate.

  • Six nines (99.9999%) data availability
  • 50% rack space eduction with the new 1U FlashSystem FS5200.
  • Increase storage cost-efficiency by 43% using predictive analytics and AI-infused health monitoring capabilities to optimizs storage.
  • 3- site replication

"The typical time to recover data from a cyber-attack is 3 weeks. With IBM Flash System Safeguarded copy, customers can recover their data in 3 hours. This is a top 5 Business Priority in all industries."

How prepared is your business?

If there’s anything that the past few years have taught us, it’s that we need to be prepared for anything and everything and at a time when business continuity is all important, modern organisations should be thinking the same way about their data.

The accelerating adoption of modern technologies—cloud, mobility, the internet of things (IoT), and now work-from-home facilitators—has led to an increase in the complexity of IT infrastructure, as well as a proliferation of data. These factors put organisations and their IT infrastructures at greater risk for malicious attacks, human errors, and negligent behaviour and unfortunately, legacy strategies can't adequately ensure continued business operations during and after cyber incidents.

Data resilience is the ability to protect against and recover quickly from a data-destructive event, such as a cyberattack, data theft, force majeure, or human error. It should be an important component of your organisation’s overall cyber resilience strategy and business continuity plan.

One method to protect against unauthorised modifications to data is by using immutable storage. This technology ensures data can never be changed or deleted for a specified retention period, regardless of the reason. Data that can be written once and read many times is immutable and protected from malicious attacks, inadvertent modifications, and even the classic human error.

IBM Safeguarded Copy for the IBM FlashSystem portfolio of all-flash storage arrays and the SAN Volume Controller (SVC) gives organisations advanced data protection and the ability to quickly recover from attacks. Customers can recover their data from the last ‘safeguarded’ copy prior to the breach in the event of data loss, a breach, malicious activity, or any other disruption.

What is Data Resilience

Data resilience is the ability to protect against and recover quickly from a data-destructive event, such as a cyberattack, data theft, force majeure, or human error. If you'd lie to know more, take a look at this pdf.

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Your 3 step plan

If your business is thinking about incorporating data resilience into its business continuity plan, here are some simple steps you can take to get you started on the path to future-proofing your business from data-destructive events.

Read Plan
An introduction to the role of Storage in cyber resiliency.

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